Friday, January 11, 2013

My Christmas+New Years outfits.

First off, I have to say sorry for the crappy pictures, I completely forgot about taking good pictures so you guys could see the outfits.

Primero que todo, quiero pedirles disculpas porque las fotos son de muy mala calidad. Debo admitir que se me olvido por completo tomar buenas fotos de mis pintas para que ustedes las pudieran ver.



Hope all of you had an amazing winter break and vacations! Thank you for reading the blog, I love you!!

2013... Busy busy, but good.

Hello everyone, I know I've been out for a while. 2013 has started very busy for me, specially because next week I have all my tests and I have to "study" but I rather just write here for you. My vacations were great, I had a nice Christmas and New Years, and I am officially a vegetarian (my mom promised me not to force me to eat meat anymore, finally.)
So, since next week I have tests every day, very boring tests, and I get out of school at around 11 every day, it gave me an idea for a post: What to wear to school when you know no one's going to see you. 

I personally am completely against going to school or anywhere wearing pajamas or sweats, and leggings sometimes, but it depends in how you wear it. And also those ridiculous outfits that everyone wears and they think they actually look good or cool. The Adidas sandals with socks that go all the way up to the knees, it is absolutely horrible. So, when you really don't feel like dressing, because school's going to last like two hours only, and you're going to be all the time in a room doing a test, its very easy what you do:

Hola a todos, yo se que he estado ausente por un tiempo. 2013 ha empezado siendo bastante ocupado para me, especialmente porque la semana que viene tengo exámenes, y se supone que debería estar "estudiando," pero prefiero escribirles a ustedes. Mis vacaciones fueron buenas, tuve una Navidad linda con mi familia, al igual que mi An-o Nuevo. Y por fin soy oficialmente vegetariana (mi mama me prometio que no me iba a obligar a comer carne mas nunca, por fin!)
Así que como toda la semana que viene tengo exámenes, y voy a salir alrededor de las 11 todos los días, pensé en una idea para un post: Que usar al colegio cuando sabes que nadie te va a ver.

Yo, personalmente, no estoy de acuerdo para nada que las personas usen pijamas para el colegio o monos. Leggings depende de como lo usen. Y también me parecen ridículos cuando usan las sandalias Adidas con las medias que les llegan casi hasta la rodilla, se ve horrendo. Así que cuando en verdad no tienes ganas de vestirte, porque el colegio va a durar solamente dos horas y esas dos horas vas a estar encerrado en un cuarto haciendo un examen, esta es una opción de lo que podrías usar:

Normal pair of jeans like these:
Get then here.

Or like these, if you're going for a more relaxed and comfy look:

Get them here.

Comfy/pretty shoes like these:
Get them here.

Get them here.

Get them here.

And t-shirts like these:

Get it here.

Get it here.

Get it here.

Get it here.

And you are more than solved. Please don't wear pajamas, you look ridiculous, seriously.

Y así estas mas que resuelto. Por favor no uses pijamas, en verdad te vez ridículo.