Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What to wear to the "End of the World."

Mom's choice.

Friend's choice.
Well, as you can see I put the end of the word with quotation marks because I do not believe the world is going to actually end. And people seems to be making such a big deal out of it its completely idiotic. If the world were to end, nobody would really know, because you'd be dead. But because everyone is like obsessed with the end of the world, I thought it was a good theme for a post. What would you wear if you knew the world is going to end that day? My mom commented that she'd wear something she wouldn't wear normally. Something extravagant and a bit crazy. As for my friend, she told me she'd be naked because why not?. I think I would wear whatever I have first in my closet and I'd do my bucket list. 

Bueno, como ya podrán ver en el titulo, puse el final del mundo con comillas, porque no creo para nada que en verdad se va a acabar. Las personas están exagerando demasiado y me parece completamente ridículo. Si es que el mundo se fuera a acabar, nadie en verdad se enteraría, porque ya estuvieran muertos. Pero porque todo el mundo esta obsesionado con el final de mundo, pensé que podría ser un buen tema para poner en un post. Que te pondrías si supieras que el mundo se va a acabar hoy?. Mi mama comento que ella se pondría algo que normalmente nunca usaría, algo extravagante y un poco loco. Mi amiga, en cambio, dijo que ella estaría completamente desnuda, porque por que no?. Yo creo que me pondría lo primero que veo en mi closet y haría la lista de cosas que quiero hacer antes de que me muera. 

What would YOU wear?


  1. Of course! Thank you so much, your's is lovely as well, I just visited it and followed you :)

  2. Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too :).

  3. HAHAHA good post <3
